401 boletín
miércoles, 25 abril 2012 10:50 AM

Advances disciplinary action by the Attorney General's Office for cases of students 'ghost'


The analysis of educational services in the country and the phenomenon of students "ghost" identified in some local authorities, were the topics addressed by the Attorney General's Office (e), Martha Isabel Castañeda Curvelo and the Minister of Education Maria Fernanda Campo, during a meeting held yesterday at the request of the Control Body.

The Minister reported on the results of audits that the ministry has done to date in 15 local authorities, in order to verify that children who turn to the resources sector, actually exist. In the process we have identified more than 100 thousand students "ghost".

Attorney General (e) noted that evidence has been exchanged the results of audits of the Ministry and the information collected by the Attorney for several visits because of the preliminary investigation that is underway specifically in the district of Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca). "We aimed at determining whether or not you are committing breaches of discipline, because we will be relentless against the use of resources in the education sector and the health sector on fraudulent means," said Dr. Castaneda Curvelo.

Based on evidence collected have been analyzed a series of behaviors that may constitute breaches of discipline, particularly for control weaknesses in the report of students in the enrollment system SIMAT. "This migration was made from 2010 to 2011, and feasibly the same number of students going to be the basis for the spins of the Ministry of Education, indisputably constitute behaviors that are outside of all legal parameters and that instead result in a detriment to the estate, in a disciplinary and perhaps in the commission of an offense, "said Attorney General (e).

Food and school transport

The second issue discussed by the Agency and the Ministry of Education was the food and busing, concepts impacted by the new distribution of royalties, as in some local authorities are using some of these resources to finance them.

The Attorney's Office for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, Youth and Family, expressed concern that assists the Attorney General about the lack of attention in this matter: "We currently do not have a specific data on children who have stopped attending this year, but has asked the minister and the director of ICBF to be attended to urgently to the population affected by the temporary suspension of school feeding programs, "said Dr. Hoyos Castañeda.

Also issued a warning to governors and mayors, because it is aware of the intention of some communities to generate events using the children to ask for action on these issues.

The Minister Maria Fernanda Campo announced that allocated $ 30,000 million for school feeding, and that before the end of this month the Government will turn $ 480,000 million in surplus sale of hydrocarbons, resources may be allocated to social investment, including food and school transport.

The Attorney General's Office will monitor the management of territorial authorities for the proper administration of these vast resources and your investment is aimed at ensuring the rights of children and adolescents in the country.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: miércoles, 25 abril 2012 10:50 AM

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