200 boletín
jueves, 1 marzo 2012 10:35 AM

At the request of the Attorney General's Office, was generated dialogue between mayors of Cundinamarca and Meta with national and departmental authorities in the field of anti-corruption compliance


The measurement results that the Attorney General's Office performed against each of the indicators that make up the Open Government Index (IGA) in the period 2010 to 2011 in the municipalities of Cundinamarca and Meta, were presented at a table Strategic Compliance Anticorruption which took place last February 29 in the auditorium Antonio Nariño headquarters of the Agency.

The event was chaired by the general national viceprocuradora, Martha Isabel Castañeda Curvelo, and was attended by the governors of Cundinamarca, Alvaro Vargas Cruz, and Meta, Alan Jara, as well as local leaders of these departments and delegates national government entities involved in the management of strategic information systems.

During her speech, Martha Isabel Castañeda viceprocuradora stressed the importance of preventive management carried out by the Attorney General's Office, and the implementation of the IGA as a strategy that includes monitoring the compliance strategy for combating corruption in the management territorial public: "Experience shows that prevention is the best option, the most effective course of action is to occur before the fact, before the money is lost, before the rights of citizens are violated."

Concerns of the mayors

During the course of the event, some local leaders expressed their concerns about the shortcomings of its information systems, lack of human resources and financial capacity to optimize aspects such as timeliness of reports that require anti-corruption standards.

However, based on the measurement results of the IGA 2010 - 2011, it was shown that in many cases small municipalities with fewer budgetary resources, show a higher degree of compliance with anticorruption intermediate or capital cities, and have also significant weaknesses in areas such as document archive and advertising contracts.

The message of the Attorney General's Office and the National Government agencies participating in the event, reiterated that the existing rules must be met and that local authorities should ensure a transparent and framed in the legal system.

Delegates of the Administrative Department of Public Service, the General Archive of the Nation, the Government Online program of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications, the Directorate of Taxation Support of the Ministry of Finance, National Planning Department and Superintendent of Public Services (entities involved in the management of strategic information systems), provided technical assistance to local officials on issues raised by them and analyzed the cases which were exposed for the artboard.

The Attorney General's Office and the College of Public Administration (ESAP) will advance new training sessions on Strategic Standards Anti-Corruption and the IGA in the provinces of these departments.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: jueves, 1 marzo 2012 10:35 AM

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