Boletín 434

At the request of the Attorney General's Office revoked tender for road maintenance in Ibague

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In response to a request by the Attorney General's Office, the municipal administration of Ibague (Directorate of Procurement) reversed the process regarding the Public Tender Number 03 of 2012, amounting to 1,200 million in the municipality of Ibague.

In turn, the Provincial Office of Ibague, developing preventive work, raised a request to the Department of City Planning to consider the possibility of suspending the said bidding process, warning that prevented doubt guarantee the principle of transparency, objective selection of the contractor and impartiality of the contractual process.

Specifically, the Control Authority stated that in reviewing the specifications, Addendum 01 and the notice can be found a rule no clear objective or to the bidders in connection with specific expertise.

In the opinion of the Attorney General, even though the information notice is not an act of the contracting process to make changes to specifications, was used by the Ministry of Planning Ibague to include a rule that, to prove the experience would take into account specific provisions in paragraph 3.3.1 of the specifications, number that had been modified in Addendum 01.

This situation raised questions because it was unclear whether the information notice referred to the addendum was annulled 01 as valid measure of the selection process.

For this reason, the Control Authority requested consideration be given to terminate the process and the feasibility of clarifying all the doubts, for it thereby allow fair rules, complete and clear to the bidders.


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