Boletín 339

Attorney General cites former governor of Cesar to present closing arguments

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

After a journey that lasted until 8:00 pm, were heard by videoconference between the city of Valledupar and the Prosecutor for the Economy and Public Finance in Bogota, six of the nine witnesses called by the Attorney General within the verbal process advance against the former governor of Cesar, Cristian Hernando Moreno Panezo.

With the presence of former Governor Moreno Panezo during the hearing were heard from the city of Valledupar versions of the former officials of the Governorate of Caesar to the time of the incident: Santodomingo Rafael Ochoa, secretary of the Treasury; Eudes Fuentes Mejia, Head of Budget and Manuel Jeronimo Manjarrés, director of the Legal Office.

Also testified from Bogota officials of the Ministry of Education: Ivan Morales Fernando Martinez, professional assigned to the Monitoring and Control Branch, Janeth Sarmiento, deputy director of Strengthening Land Management, and Juan Carlos Bolivar, Chief of Planning Ministry of Education.

The measure of verbal nature which will present the closing arguments will continue on Friday April 13 at 9:00 am at the Prosecutor for the Economy and Public Finance, located in the race 5 # 15-80, floor 12.

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