Boletín 177

Attorney General cites verbal process to councilors of the municipality La Montanita (Caquetá)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office cited verbal disciplinary hearing on Wednesday, February 29 at 10 am, seven councilors of the municipality of La Montanita (Caquetá), to answer for his alleged role in choosing as municipal attorney for the period Collazos 2012-2015 Martha Ospina, without it having completed studies in law, as stipulated in Article 173 of Law 136 of 1994.

Councillors Alviz Frederick Henry Mora Becerra, Walter Collazos Sanchez Cuesta Nalvis Cruz, Yolanda Fajardo, Miguel Angel Garcia and Jorge Iván Benavides Basque Tamayo may have committed serious misconduct, committed a grave fault title, choosing at the meeting of 7 January 2012 to Ms. Collazos Ospina, as she presented extrajuicio statement indicating the completion of his studies in law, a fact that apparently did not correspond to reality.

The municipality of La Montanita, like all other municipalities in the department, except for the capital Florence, is in sixth category, so for at least ombudsman is required to have completed law studies. The disciplinary investigation could, in agreement with certification issued by the chief of the Division of Registration and Control Academic University of Amazonia, the semester was scheduled to culminate on December 22, 2011, but due to stoppage academic semester closing was postponed until January 27, 2012.

The alleged conduct consisted disciplinable choice for public office a person who did not meet the requirements of the Law According to the oral procedure, Council members will be heard in free version, if they so choose, in the diligence to be held at the headquarters of the Regional Office located in the race Caquetá 9 No. 9-65, El Prado neighborhood of Florence (Caquetá).

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