Boletín 015

Attorney General filed comments against the implementation of the law of victims and land restitution

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, called on the Government to overcome the problems that are being presented with the unique record of casualties and the difficulties that can be foreseen in the short and medium term with the implementation of the Law Victims and Land Restitution.

The Chief Public Prosecutor noted that the form designed for the sole registry for victims, which was not consulted in drafting the Public Ministry, shows inconsistencies that constitute a bottleneck for the registration of victims are not taken appropriate corrective .

According to the analysis of the Public Ministry, the single registration form for the victims is a complex instrument of fill, requiring victims with information that is not essential, that transcends established by Decree 4800 of December 20, 2011, which contains legally inaccurate definitions, which is especially oriented approach to the victims of displacement and establishes requirements that the law has not foreseen.

The processing of this form takes approximately one hour and a half to two hours, on average four a day are made, delaying the work of registration of victims, according to the document CONPES 3712, 2011 is estimated at around one million people . To this is added the fact that the municipal ombudsmen do not have the human and technical resources for the record.

Moreover, the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado considers it essential that the form is available in all municipalities and is necessary to evaluate the possibility to access it through a website that could be downloaded for its diligenciamiento, preserving the norms of security systems, as well as a physical address where can I send the forms filled out at the time provided by law.

The prosecution believes that the Special Administrative Unit for the Care and Repair for the victims and the National Fire Protection Agency have sufficient staff to meet its management, which is of vital importance to threats, harassment and even murder victims and leaders of organizations of victims that have been presented. Undoubtedly, the protection afforded to victims and their representatives, will determine the success or failure of the Law

Finally, the Office highlighted the need for rules regarding the way should be elected representatives of victims' organizations to consistently install the Monitoring Committee and Monitoring the implementation of the Victim Restitution Act of Lands, entity shall submit a report to Congress within one month following the beginning of each legislature.

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