Boletín 147

Attorney General notes that there be no reasonable doubt as to exalt insurance commissioner for peace, but justice must be filed

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, in developing its institutional visit to the city of Manizales (Caldas), spoke about the concept of control being compared to exalt Peace Commissioner Luis Carlos Restrepo.

For the head of Public Prosecutions is clear that in the course of criminal proceedings being conducted by the Attorney General's Office for alleged false demobilization of the company Cacica The Gaitana, there is reasonable doubt and therefore not appropriate precautionary measure against Mr. Restrepo, but said emphatically that this does not imply that the former official evade justice.

"There is no evidence in the process, no information found evidence to allow that decision, regarding the commission of the offense for active no evidence that the decision to allow deprivation of liberty," said Attorney Ordóñez Maldonado.

He also said that the same situation occurs in the case of Colonel James Joaquin Ariza

The attorney general believes that Mr. Luis Carlos Restrepo made a grave mistake to assume an attitude of rebellion against the institutions and in that sense, he added that "if he believes he is innocent and has evidence for it to come to the institutions, is present in the process and exercise their right to defense. "

It also recalled that the Office is instituted for the defense of due process rights as citizens is that eventually these may be unknown must act in order to fulfill their constitutional and legal functions.

He added that in this trial the prosecution has warned that if there is sufficient evidence against Mr. Raúl Agudelo Medina and Felipe Salazar and respect for these people is endorsed and supported the request of the Attorney General's Office.

Education Fraud

The chief public prosecutor referred to facts found by the Attorney General's Office following a complaint lodged by the Minister of Education and the audit reports produced with the participation of Public Prosecutions.

He noted that since the end of 2011 the Office found that billions of dollars from the General System of Units for education have been affected by the phenomenon of corruption.

It showed "contracting with schools that do not exist to benefit students who do not exist." As stated by the prosecutor, in these acts are committed various departments, governments, cities and municipalities of intermediate and capital cities.

Military courts

Following the recent decision of the National Government to withdraw the military court of justice reform, the chief prosecutors declined to express an opinion about it until know in more detail the Government's reasons for this decision.

However declared a repeated advocate of military criminal jurisdiction, arguing that "the military must respond within a framework of operational reality that is developed, taking into account a number of circumstances, of course answering for the actions and behaviors which undermine the rights of citizens. "

Finally, he stressed the necessity of acknowledging that military courts in our national history and the history of mankind has always existed.

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