Boletín 530

Attorney General's Office Bureau of Health will chair the department of Casanare

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, through the Officer for Decentralization and Local Authorities, will preside tomorrow, Thursday May 31 in the city of Yopal a "Bureau of Health Casanare," whose purpose is to monitor the provision of services, insurance and public health in the department.

The territorial authorities at the municipal and departmental levels should provide information on insurance, as the state of the subsidized regime intervened EPS, membership coverage, the state of co-financing resources royalties, the advance in the settlement of insurance contracts inter alia

Regarding the provision of services shall report the status report by the terms of Decree 2193 of 1994, the transaction status Yopal Hospital and the operation and functioning of the public.

The regional leaders also report relevant information regarding its management of public health in terms of epidemiological surveillance (vaccination coverage), rates of infant and maternal mortality, and implementation of public health resources, among others.

The event will take place on campus "The Triad" at the Cultural Avenue in the city of Yopal, and will be attended by the prosecutor for the Decentralization and Local Authorities, Governor of Casanare, the mayor of Yopal, representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the National Superintendence of Health, officials from the ministries of Health Departmental and Municipal representatives of the subsidized regime EPS and IPS of the public.

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