Boletín 439

Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, announces preliminary investigation regarding the case of French journalist kidnapped by the FARC

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

• "It shows that Mr. journalist was in circumstances that could eventually compromise the military authorities. Society and the Attorney do not understand under what conditions and who authorized this reporter to be in those scenarios, "said the head of Public Prosecutions on the Romeo Langlois French communicator.

• The attorney general said Langlois is not a "prisoner of war" and his abduction, the FARC have shown no political will for peace.

• He also made statements about the initiation of the investigation to 21 Aerocivil air controllers, the dismissal of the former mayor of Medellín Alonso Salazar and the actions of the Attorney General in cases of corruption in the health sector.

The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, spoke on Monday about the case of Romeo Langlois French journalist kidnapped by the FARC while recording a military operation in the department of Caquetá, and announced that he ordered an investigation into this done to determine civil or military authorities authorized the presence of the communicator in a conflict zone, apparently wearing the exclusive use of the Armed Forces, and if this were presented disciplinary offenses.

"I ordered the case to make inquiries. On this day the order was issued for the initiation of appropriate investigations to find out who authorized and if it is true that wore military uniforms, "said the lawyer.
According to the chief prosecutors can not be regarded as a "prisoner of war" communicator, "as claimed by the terrorist group."

Research on air traffic controllers

The Attorney General also made statements on the opening of a disciplinary investigation to 21 air traffic controllers of the Civil Aviation for his alleged role in irregular service.

Recalling that at the stage of the booking process exists on the case and can not make further comment until it utters a statement of objections, said "there may be behaviors that involve functional dereliction of duty. We found evidence for opening a formal investigation and as we said at the time, act like we've always done, with the view of defending the law, public property, the common good and citizens in general. "

Reviews of the former mayor of Medellín Alonso Salazar

Ensuring ignore the criticism from the exmandatario of Medellin after confirming his suspension and inability to undue political involvement, the Attorney General reiterated that the servers have sanctioned civil rights and are entitled to go to the resources they consider relevant.

"I know these reviews but are normal. It is common for public officials who are affected by decisions of the prosecutor, judges or the Attorney attend the instruments of a legal, either challenges or legal controls that apply (...) I do not care, not mortifies me, quite the contrary, is entitled to go to the corresponding controls. "

Intervention by the Attorney against corruption in the health sector

Finally the chief prosecutors recalled the work of the Bank in relation to allegations of corruption in the health sector and pointed on the criticisms made by the Comptroller delegated Adriana Pozo, to alleged shortcomings of the supervisory bodies and research on this topic.

"Unknown what the attorney is doing in these areas. There are several processes that are developed on these issues, even some within which have been uttered objections. It's nice because that statement does not correspond to reality and is part of the emotion of that official. "

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