Boletín 210

Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, decides on the Constitutional Court decision that denied the application for revocation of judgment T-585/10 on an abortion case

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, recognizes and respects the decision of the Plenary Chamber of the Constitutional Court in Order 038 of 2012 (which is reported in the press release 08 March 3), They were told the annulment of the Decision T-585, 2010, issued by the Eighth Chamber of Review on a case of abortion. In this sense advance the necessary steps to ensure compliance.

However, with great concern, the Chief Public Prosecutor warns that in the said Order, in addition to denying the annulment, the Constitutional Court sought to limit the constitutional and legal powers of the Attorney General's Office, and particularly ignore the provisions of Article 284 of the Constitution which expressly provides: "Except as provided in the Constitution and the law, the Attorney General's Office and the Ombudsman may require the authorities the information necessary for the exercise of their functions, although reservations can oppose them. "

Above, since in that Order that the Constitutional Court rejected the Second Circuit Criminal Court of Villavicencio and the officers of that judicial office, have allowed the Attorney General know the record of enforcing the decision of which revocation is sought, and a health care professional Departmental Villavicencio Hospital had stated that it in no time certified that the life or health of the woman involved in the case were at risk. The Constitutional Court ordered that the above mentioned officials and health care were investigated by the Supreme Judicial Council and the National Medical Ethics Tribunal, respectively.

With equal concern, Attorney Ordóñez warned that this decision the Constitutional Court also sent copies to the Attorney General's Office in order to interfere in the criminal investigation currently ahead against women plaintiffs, who fails to comply with any of the grounds set forth in the Judgment C-355, 2006 (as confirmed by the Hospital Department of Villavicencio and verified at the time what the Attorney General), and without which would have granted the application for protection, underwent an abortion at a facility underground.

In exercising its constitutional powers, the Attorney General's Office intervene in disciplinary proceedings and disciplinary ethics that are ahead against judicial officers and the relevant health professional, whose right to due process has been severely affected, in defense of this and all fundamental rights and the legal system.

In the same way, the prosecution will continue in office preventive and disciplinary intervention in pursuit of general interest, collective interest and ensuring the fundamental rights of all human beings.


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