Boletín 452

Attorney General's Office anticipated preventive action to ensure drinking water in rural La Mata (Huila)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Bogota, May 10, 2012. In the municipal administration of the city of Neiva (Huila), the Attorney General's Office, through its Provincial Neiva, advanced preventive action aimed at ensuring the drinking water to the inhabitants of the village of La Mata.

The intervention was initiated due to the technical report submitted by the Municipal Health Secretariat of Neiva, which noted the serious problem of drinking fluid consumed by the inhabitants of the village, Fortalecillas jurisdiction of the municipality of Neiva.

Thanks to the actions of the attorney, the mayor of the capital Huila executed a contract to acquire process plants sodium hypochlorite, of which two were delivered to the aqueduct of the village, thus solving the problem of drinking and ensuring the rights of the inhabitants of this sector of the national territory.

This action is part of the policy outlined by Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, who gave clear instructions to the servants of the Bank to strengthen preventive work at national and at times appropriate to protect the rights of citizenship.

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