Boletín 543

Attorney General's Office appointed special agency investigation into the death of Rosa Elvira Cely

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office appointed special agent to intervene on behalf of the Public Prosecutor in the prosecution being conducted by the Attorney-326 Living Unit of Bogota, for the violence that killed Mrs. Rosa Elvira Cely.

The space agency was assigned to the Attorney Criminal Justice 234 I based in Bogota, which according to the instruction shall immediately notify his appointment to the office of knowledge.

Among the functions assigned, the agency should pay special detailed report of the status of proceedings to the Prosecutor for the prosecution in criminal matters, and prepare periodic reports on the status of the action and the steps taken during the process.

The crime committed against Rosa Elvira Cely illustrates the terrible dimensions is gaining sexual violence victims especially women and girls and makes clear that the brutal nature of these attacks can not go unpunished.

The Attorney General's Office requested the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) to that in the framework of its powers give all due attention and protection to the minor daughter of Mrs. Cely. Also asked the District Health Department and the National Police to report on the care path followed in this case.

The watchdog makes a strong call to organizations like the National Police, the Family Commissions, the National Institute of Legal Medicine, the Ombudsman and the Health sector, to comply fully with their responsibilities in the care path cases of gender based violence and especially sexual violence against women. Similarly, it urges the authorities to reinforce measures to raise awareness and prevention of this violence in all its dimensions.

Although the crime committed against Rosa Elvira Cely has caught the attention of public opinion, media, government entities and civil society organizations, the fact is that daily are egregious acts of sexual violence and torture against women, some in the context of armed conflict and many others in the family environment in the urban and rural cases are often not visible or simply go unpunished. Visualize this type of case should be the first step in moving towards the elimination of violence against women, minimizing the possibility of impunity and completely eliminate the constant expressions of violence against girls, adolescents and women as part of communities that merit special protection and care.

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