Boletín 345

Attorney General's Office asked the former senator loss of investiture Ivan Moreno

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Before the Plenary of the Council of State the Attorney General's Office requested that the loss of investiture decree against former Senator Iván Moreno Rojas.

The Attorney General found that there is sufficient evidence showing that, as a congressman, Mr. Iván Moreno Rojas advanced negotiations with state contractors and incurred influence peddling.

In his speech, the attorney for the second delegate Administrative Monitoring, Fernando Brito Ruiz, said the evidence collected by the Supreme Court of Administrative confirm that they fulfilled a meeting attended by Miguel Nule, Francisco Roldan Gnecco and then-Senator Iván Moreno Rojas.
In furtherance of that meeting said the former senator's interest in order to be delivered to his wife, Lucy Moreno Luna, two transfer areas for economic exploitation in the granting of the Bogota - Girardot.

On the other hand, prosecutors said that according to the material evidence, the former senator Moreno requested Mr. Miguel Nule 6 percent of the contracts that were awarded by the Capital District.

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