Boletín 086

Attorney General's Office asked to include the Historical Memory Center all actions committed by all armed groups in Colombia

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Center for Historical Memory has a duty to document all actions committed by all armed groups and not only some of them, said the head of the Public Ministry, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado.

In its decision, the Attorney General expressed concern that the preservation of historical memory is made only in connection with an armed group, as has happened with landmark reports on Historical Memory Group of the National Reconciliation Repair.

In this regard, requested all state agencies that are holding these files documenting the crimes of all armed groups and carry out the actions needed to protect files on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

Draws the attention of Attorney General the fact that some entities are in charge of these files human rights and international humanitarian law are not fully complying with the Archives Law, which aims to establish the rules and general principles governing the archival function of State, and the agreements of the General Archive of the Nation.

In this regard, noted that state agencies do not have inventories of all records, not recorded in the format because the number of pages, there is no topographical subjects. In many cases it was found that had not been designed or implemented integrated conservation systems to ensure the physical and functional integrity throughout the process of documentary production.

Given the above, the Agency encourages all public bodies that through the design and implementation of policies that have the due administrative, logistical and management, archival assume their duties in order to overcome the difficulties and deficiencies noticed .

Similarly, asked to Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Judicial Council so that, for the sake of truth and collective memory-issue and implement the agreements need to drive across the country archive of the various court cases that allude to rights IHL and human involving all illegal armed groups.

It also urged all state agencies with roles in Law 1448/2011 (Law of Victims and Restitution of Land) so that from the beginning of its activities comply with the provisions of Law 594/2000 (General Law on Archives) and Directive 001 of 2010 of the Attorney General's Office.

Finally, the Agency reiterated its request to the National Archives to issue the necessary agreements to regulate files concerning Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, taking into account the nature of the subject of historical memory, and continue to push design improvement plans that require archival institutions visited by the Inspection Panel and surveillance and have not yet been visited, and thus accompany its implementation. 

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