88 boletín
martes, 7 febrero 2012 02:53 PM

Attorney General's Office attached to indigenous communities in the municipality of Solano (Caquetá) for inclusion in community participation processes


The Regional Office is developing Caquetá accompaniment to the process of consultation in the process called "Tacacho 2D seismic project" by the company to develop Pacific Rubiales and "Construction and electrical interconnection to 34.5 kW, San Antonio de Getucha, Three Corners , Solano, "whose responsibility is the department of Caquetá.

The aim of this support is preventive in nature that the State guarantees to indigenous peoples in the municipality of Solano (Caquetá) the right to be partners in development and decision making that may affect them, according to the provisions of Act 21 of 1991, approving the Convention No. 169 and Presidential Directive 01, 2010.

In the initial consultation process involving the indigenous communities of Buena Vista, Consaya Jericho, the Fifteen Manaye and Nannies and is scheduled for February 23 meeting of the protocols with the first three, because after assorted stages of definition impacts and management measures, there was agreement on the compensation to be made by the company, totaling about $ 635'000 .000. In relation to community Nannies although there was no agreement on compensation measures, the community expressed its intention to continue dialogue.

The power interconnection project that benefits the communities of Buena Vista, Consaya Jericho, the Fifteen Manaye, San Miguel, Red Rocks, San Jose del Cuerazo, Jacome and La Esperanza, is currently in phase and monitoring agreements Attorney General urged the department to the next meeting to be held on March 29, present the report on compliance of agreements, which currently have a backlog of about 80%, compared to 50% of execution of the work. The purpose is to ensure communities the right to preserve the ethnic, social, economic and cultural.

With the electricity interconnection project are estimated 1,105 direct beneficiaries of the municipalities of Puerto Milan and Solano. The costs add up to the sum of $ 14,665,408,547, resources allocated by the National Planning Department, DNP, through the Ministry of Mines and executed by the Power Authority of Caquetá.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: martes, 7 febrero 2012 02:53 PM

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