Boletín 531

Attorney General's Office cited verbal hearing to former mayors of four municipalities of the Atlantic for allegedly breached obligations under the Code for Children and Adolescents

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office cited disciplinary hearing to Mr. Darling Luz Cardenas Tuesday, Monica Urueta Torrealba, Rafael Estrada Climaco Sarmiento Perez and Alvaro Pacheco, former mayors of the municipalities of Polonuevo, Usiacurí, Baranoa and Ponedera (Atlantic), respectively, because apparently during 2011 did not cite in their municipalities all meetings of the Social Policy Council established by the Code for Children and Adolescents.

Events investigated

Article 207 of Law 1098 of 2006 stated that "In all departments, municipalities and districts must sit Social Policy Councils, chaired by the governor and the mayor, who may not delegate or participation or responsibility under penalty of in misconduct (...) ". The same law states that councils should sit at least four times a year and must file periodic reports to the assemblies and councils.

The above tips are part of public policy for children and adolescents, seeking full protection of this population.

According to the information on file for the duration of 2011 Social Policy councils of those municipalities sessioned only one of which requires four times the current standard, and in no case have yielded no evidence of regular quarterly reports established by Law 1098 of 2006 and Directive 002 of 14 March 2011, published by the Attorney General's Office.

In all cases the fault is provisionally qualifies as serious because of the essential and fundamental nature of the service, made with very serious fault by neglect or gross violation of elementary rules binding.

Measures of verbal disciplinary hearing will be held at the premises of the Provincial Prosecutor of Barranquilla, located in the race 44 # 38-11 piso 6, Banco Popular building in that city, on the following dates:

Darling Luz Cardenas Tuesday: Thursday, May 31 at 8:30 am
Rafael Pérez Estrada Climacus: Friday June 1 at 8:30 am
Sarmiento Alvaro Pacheco: Monday June 4 at 8:30 am
Monica Urueta Torrealba: Monday June 4 at 2:30 pm

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