548 boletín
martes, 5 junio 2012 11:15 AM

Attorney General's Office condemns acts of the FARC that killed a baby, two policemen and a civilian in the town of Montañitas (Caquetá)


In a conversation held today with the media, Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, condemned and rejected the facts presented recently at the town of Montañitas, Caquetá, where the FARC killed a woman 63 years of age, two policemen, a next baby to be born and seriously injured his mother.

"Regardless of the legal framework for peace, the act of the FARC shows that the enemy of this illegal armed group of the Act is the civilian population, the enemy of the FARC is childhood, motherhood, peasants, soldiers, industrialists, journalists, institutions, in short, the FARC are at war against the civilian population. Therefore, not only condemn this with all the energy as Colombians, as a public servant and as a parent, but also express my outrage as a representative of society. "

On the class action filed before the Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca

Given the information revealed by a media in which two citizens filed a class action to take steps with the process of electing the Attorney General's Office for the period 2013-2016, which the current Chief Public Prosecutor seeks because the Constitution permits while publicly stated what makes it a little more than four (4) months, warned that "this is normal, that citizens go to the civic resources that exist for exercising the existing legal controls against any public official, this is normal and healthy for democracy. Of course, this shows a concern in some quarters, but that is understood within the democratic process and that strengthens our legal system. "

Legal Framework for Peace and Research Senator Edward Whiting

Regarding the legal framework for peace, Dr. Ordonez stated that "has a rightful and constitutional duties as a representative of society to act in the processes of constitutional review of laws and legislative acts, and therefore, not I can make any value judgment prior to the completion of the constitutional role. "

Address the issue of the preliminary investigation that is underway to Senator Edward Whiting, Attorney stated that "the disciplinary room last week traveled to the city of Barranquilla, Atlantico, to practice tests. Next week will practice the rest of the tests prescribed, which will be evaluated before taking decisions on the subject. "

PGN | Fecha Publicación: martes, 5 junio 2012 11:15 AM

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