576 boletín
martes, 12 junio 2012 02:15 PM

Attorney General's Office conducted discussion group 'Duties to respect and guarantee human rights of the security forces against ethnic communities' for public servants Guainia


In carrying out its preventive role, the Attorney General's Office, through the Regional Guainía and for the Defense of Human Rights and Ethnic Affairs, held last June 7 at the headquarters of the Police Department Guainia the discussion group called "Duties of respect and guarantee human rights of the security forces against ethnic communities."

In the event, the attorney insisted the audience about the importance of knowing and applying from their capacity as public servants regulations in the human rights that protects indigenous communities in the country, especially in departments like Guainia, where an approximate 80 percent of inhabitants belong to ethnic families of people curripaco, piapoco, geral, Puinave and Sikuani.

These days, the Public Ministry reaffirms its commitment in prevention and aims to optimize the work of staff to ensure full protection of the rights of citizenship and timely attention to any concerns that are present for part of the institutions of Colombian state.


PGN | Fecha Publicación: martes, 12 junio 2012 02:15 PM

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