Boletín 338

Attorney General's Office confirmed Ines Leal sanction against Martha and Teresa Guzman in a process known as "pikes DAS"

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, confirmed in its entirety, the sentence handed down against Martha Ines Leal Plains in his capacity as Deputy Director of Operations of the General Intelligence Directorate of the Department of Administrative Security (DAS), who was punished by dismissal and disability for 15 years holding public office, and for 10 years the official Guzman Teresa Cortez, who at the material time he served as coordinator of the Technology Development Group of the Directorate for engaging in very serious disciplinary behavior and to title of fraud made in the performance of their duties and performance of its duties as public servants linked to DAS, according to the terms and implications of Article 48 of Law 734 of 2002 or "Single Disciplinary Code."

The facts which were passed to these two DAS exservidores refer to irregular procedures which coordinated the study and analyzes to cell phones seized from persons deprived of liberty, in order to extract, analyze and incorporate information from these respective equipment and SIM cards called "Project X" DAS. To Mrs. Leal Llanos also reproached him for having illegal surveillance coordinated to different people during the years 2004 to 2008, without authorization from competent judicial order

The investigation concluded that disciplined by the disciplinary responsibility were punished the irregularities investigated, since it violated the privacy of several people, and the procedure in finding information on the devices seized without judicial authorization so that the servants committed serious offenses incurred by way of fraud.

In the case of Mrs. Leal was shown PLAINS committed disciplinary offenses contained in sections 1, 16 and 60 of Article 48 of Law 734 of 2002 and Mrs. GUZMAN CORTES, those contained in paragraphs 1 and 60 of the Article, with respect to a very serious offense in the first paragraph above, formed part of the offense of section 416 of Act 599 of 2000.

On the other hand, the ruling handed down by the Attorney General reversed the decision of single instance against Mr. Jose Antonio Garcia Linares, at the time of the events investigated Technology Development deputy director of the Directorate General of Intelligence of the DAS, consisting of suspension holding office for a period of 6 months, and instead, he was acquitted of all disciplinary responsibility, by applying the principle of Disciplined In dubio Pro.


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