Boletín 551

Attorney General's Office confirmed on appeal dismissal and disability for 11 years for former mayor of La Jagua del Pilar (La Guajira)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, in ruling on appeal, upheld the penalty of summary dismissal and general inability to hold public office for a term of 11 years Mr. Jose Augusto Mendoza Manjarrez, in his capacity as Mayor of the Jagua del Pilar, La Guajira, to the time of the events, as well as suspension and special disability for 12 months for Mrs. Rita Lucia Mobile Padilla, in his capacity as Secretary of Finance City for the same date, on irregularities involving the submission of false documents to be linked to local government.

The irregularity constitute the disciplinary offense attributed to the sanctions is that Ms. Padilla presented Mobile diploma fake business administrator for the purpose of taking office as secretary of municipal finance, meanwhile, the then mayor Manjarrez Mendoza, Despite knowing the situation, proceeded to name it and modify the operating functions and powers of local authority.

The disciplined incurred serious and very serious offenses by way of willful responsibility for the case of the municipal president then, and serious misconduct by way of intent to Mrs. Rita Lucia, within the parameters laid down in Article 44 of the Single Disciplinary Code.

The court ruling was handed down by the Regional Office of La Guajira on 14 December 2011. 

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