Boletín 429

Attorney General's Office confirmed on appeal penalty of dismissal and disability for 10 years the directors of Alma Mater and Fire Management Unit Bogota

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office confirmed in a ruling on appeal the sanction of removal and general disqualification for a period of 10 years Mr. Mauricio Toro Antonio Acosta, in his capacity as director of the Special Administrative Unit of the Fire Department from Bogota ( UAECOB) for irregularities in the conclusion and implementation of inter-administrative agreement # 321, November 10, 2009, between the Fire Unit in charge and the Network of Public Universities of the Coffee (Alma Mater), which was concerned with the construction Fire Command and District Situation Room, which cost 18,000 million pesos.

For the prosecution, in the case of Acosta Toro disciplined, "there was breach of the principle of transparency that guides government procurement to contract directly with the Red Alma Mater the signal service, without any objective criteria prior to the analysis and weighting determined that the bid submitted by this organization was the most favorable. "

The lack scored grave, under Article 48 of Law 734 of 2002 in the form of very serious fault.

Similarly, confirmed the disciplinary responsibility of Jose Zuluaga Toro Germain in his capacity as director of the Network of Public Universities of the Coffee Regional Development (Alma Mater), who is imposing the penalty of dismissal and general inability for 10 years for his role in the execution of the contract noted above, with omission of the technical, financial and legal prerequisites being required for its execution.

In the same ruling of body control, confirmed the sanctions of suspension for a period of 6 months to Mrs. Olga Lucia Becerra Torres condition deputy director of Corporate Management of the Special Administrative Unit of the Fire Department of Bogota, and the Iván Calderón Ulloa Demosthenes, who fungiera the position of bureau chief counsel of the UAECOB.


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