Boletín 502

Attorney General's Office confirmed on appeal the sanction of suspension for one month to the department of Vichada excontralor

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office confirmed in a ruling on appeal the penalty by suspending his performance of duties for a period of 1 month to Mr. Jorge Alberto Jimenez Sócota, as of departmental Vichada the time of the facts, exceed the scope of its functions to issue resolution by which added the agency's budget without fulfilling the orders of the Regional Assembly on the matter.

The disciplined added the budget of the Department of Vichada Comptroller for fiscal 2006 at 39 million pesos, ignoring the ordinance 019 of 1999 which states that the governor who shall submit to the Departmental Assembly draft ordinance transfers and additional appropriations budget, among others.

Similarly, Mr. Sócota Jimenez, 023 did not meet the ordinance of 2006 which states that "all additions and modifications to the budget of the effective 2006, must be authorized by the Departmental Assembly," the only constitutional body authorized and legally to make the change.

With such behavior, then ignored it Vichada comptroller named in Article 34 of Law 734 of 2002 that marks the duties of all public servants, as well as Articles 123 and 209 of the Constitution of Colombia. Failure is described as serious misconduct by way of negligence according to the Single Disciplinary Code.

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