Boletín 369

Attorney General's Office confirmed penalty of dismissal and disability for 15 years against the former mayor of Melgar (Tolima)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office confirmed in a ruling on appeal the disciplinary consisting of removal and general disqualification for the exercise of public office and functions for 15 years, Mr. Eduardo Dafut Tautiva Cardozo in his capacity as Mayor of Melgar (Tolima) the time of the events, participation in politics by using his public office to influence the electoral process that would take place on October 30, 2011.

The facts are the subject of reproach show that the then mayor allowed the participation of Mr. Alejandro Martinez Sanchez as a candidate for mayor of that municipality by the party of disciplined, to preside over the opening of educational institutions and Technical Sumapaz Gabriela Mistral Melgar, being part of the main table, and receive praise and recognition for his administration when he had previously served as president of this town that applicant.

The ruling, issued by the Disciplinary Chamber of body control, indicates that "the defendant's participation in politics should be understood as a violation of the duty of impartiality obliges him to refrain from using his position and dignity to show openly or covertly, support claims and interests of a political group or candidate in particular. "

The behavior of Mr. Tautiva Cardozo is framed as provided in Article 48 of Law 734 of 2002, because his act was designed to influence the election of a partisan nature that was ongoing at that time.

Against this Order no recourse.

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