Boletín 171

Attorney General's Office confirmed suspension for 10 months for former mayor and 6 months for 16 councilors of Cucuta (Norte de Santander)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In ruling on appeal, the Attorney General's Office confirmed the suspension in the exercise of the office for a term of ten (10) months of the former mayor of San Jose de Cucuta, Norte de Santander, Ramiro Suarez Corzo, and six (6 ) months for 16 councilors in the same city, of which engages the current governor of the department, for creating a nonprofit corporation of municipal and have committed to fulfill the objects of the same, four billion pesos ($ 4,000,000,000 =) contribution from the valuation system, giving these resources a destination different from that stated in the Constitution and the Law

The council then are disciplined Cruz Blanca Gonzalez, Jasmine Lyda Ardila Ardila, Vicente Garcia Granados, Jorge Ivan Caceres Garcia, Rodolfo Torres Castellanos, Amparo Perez Nelly Toro, Eduardo Salim Chaín Rueda, Alfredo Duarte Gomez, Juan Carlos Garcia Gomez, Luis Eduardo Guevara Jaimes Hugo Penaranda Francisco Marquez, Juan Manuel Santaella Morelli, William Abel Pacheco Ovallos, Maria Margarita Uribe Silva, Victor Fidel Suarez Jesus Diaz Vergel and Edgar Contreras, the latter, the current governor nortesantandereano department.

Mr. Suarez Corzo is accused in his capacity as mayor overstepped his authority in inducing the Council to authorize the creation and economic participation in the "Corporation Cucuta Parks" to present the project, which was adopted on 2 November 2006 by Municipal Agreement 031. In this same agreement authorized the contribution to the new corporation, the four billion pesos from the collection valuation, improperly allocating them, ignoring the law.

Meanwhile, the council members were punished for overstepping the bounds of their duties in approving the project of creating the new corporation submitted by the local mayor and have granted the powers necessary to deliver public resources for the creation of it.

In both cases, violations of Articles 355 of the Constitution of Colombia and 34 of Law 734 Single Disciplinary Code.

Thus, the Agency resolved the appeal against the judgment handed down on single-instance 26 September 2011 and in accordance with Article 119 of the disciplinary code against this decision no appeal.

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