Boletín 309

Attorney General's Office confirms suspension and disability for 12 months INCODER former officials Quindío

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In ruling on appeal, the Attorney General's Office ordered suspension and special disability for a period of 12 months to Mr. Orlando Antonio Martinez and Mario Maya Montoya Gaviria, former officials of the regional INCODER Quindío, who played for the material time the assistant manager of Production and Social Development Unit for the Production and Marketing, respectively.

The decision was irregularities in the exercise of their duties, negligent classified as serious offenses, the concept of technical feasibility issue on the property "Maracaibo", located in the village of La Granja municipality of Buenavista, Quindio, omitting the concept of implementation of environmental regulations that establish restricted areas of forest reserves as established by Act 2 of 1959.

This concept allowed or gave feasibility to purchase the property by the Colombian Rural Development Institute (INCODER) for an amount close to 339 million pesos.

According to the judgment, the rules are violated the Constitution, Act 160 of 1994, and Act 734 of 2002.

Due to the current investigation do not work with the entity, is appropriate to apply the clause of Article 46 of Law 734 of 2002, ie the conversion of the suspension to pay the amount accrued basis for 2007. The amount must be paid by the sanctioned entity to which services provided, otherwise it will start charging for the same coercive.

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