Boletín 367

Attorney General's Office declined to access endowment loss of Senator Juan Lozano

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office asked the Plenary of the Council of State not to accept the claim for loss of investment that is still against the senator, Juan Lozano, because it is not proven that he was caught by the identified causal in the Constitution.

According to the lawsuit, the congressman would have incurred in the grounds of loss of investiture set forth in paragraph 1 of Article 183 of the Constitution, violation of the rules of ineligibility and incompatibility or conflict of interest, paragraph 2 of Article 180 which states the prohibition on Congress to manage on their own behalf or that of another business before public bodies, and paragraph 5 of Article 183 tested for influence peddling.

In the opinion of the plaintiff, having assumed simultaneously the leadership of the Party of the U with exercise as a Congressman, Senator Juan Lozano committed the violation of the system of disqualifications and incompatibilities, while the prohibition of managing cases before public and traffic of influences in shaping the trio set to nominate the replacement of the ousted governor of Casanare, Oscar Ivan Chavez Raul Florez, belonging to the Party of the U.
In his speech, the Attorney General said he did not show a violation of the rules of conflict of interest, since Article 283 of Law 5 of 1192 in item 9 noted an exception, stating that members of Congress can directly participate in organisms leaders of parties or political movements that have gained legal status under the Act

On the other hand, said that Senator Juan Lozano handled or processed at the Office of the President the appointment of Martha Sarmiento Gonfrier as governor of Casanare, as the inclusion in the shortlist was a collective decision and the president of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, said certified statement that did not receive any pressure from Senator Juan Lozano for such designation.

Regarding the influence peddling said that people who testified said they not aware that Senator Juan Lozano had acted that way and have no knowledge of such action.

The Attorney conceptualized that analyzed the record no evidence to conclude that there was an undue interest of Senator Juan Lozano, or that he had lobbied for the inclusion in the shortlist of Martha Gonfier or subsequent appointment as governor of Casanare, therefore requested the Council of State does not grant the request of loss of office.

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