Boletín 044

Attorney General's Office declined to access investment loss of Senator Armando Benedetti

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office requested the State Council not to accept the claim of loss of investment that continues against Senator Armando Benedetti Villaneda, because it is not proven that fall within the grounds were mentioned in the Constitution.

According to the lawsuit, the congressman would have incurred loss of investiture causal to participate and chair the session in which he was transferred from the Second to the First Committee of the Senate to fill the empty seat of Senator Javier Caceres , for having alleged links with groups outside the law and plead not disqualified from participating in discussions of laws and legislation after the Supreme Court of Justice preliminary investigation opened against him.

The Attorney explained that in relation to the charges associated with the transfer fee is not apparent conflict of interest because the motivation was political and the dynamics of these changes the senators are not declared disabled, additionally to the extent that the transfer does not It worked, Sen. Benedetti never became part of the First Committee and can not preach the conflict of interest regarding the discussions that will eventually participate.

Furthermore, in connection with alleged links to groups outside the law, prosecutors said there is no evidence to infer that the senator had sought benefits within the legislative agenda.

He said that was not tested for the bills through which amended the Criminal Code and the Anti-Corruption Statute was issued, Sen. Benedetti confluence in a direct and present particular interest, contrary to the interest imposed by his investiture in the congressional legislative process.

Finally he said that while the Supreme Court opened an investigation after Sen. Benedetti on April 28, 2008, no formal investigation against him, nor has been linked to the process by questioning.

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