Boletín 631

Attorney General's Office for 2 months sanctioned teaching of Armenia (Quindio)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office claimed responsibility disciplinary Mr. Humberto Londoño Tobon in his capacity as professor of modern languages ​​in the educational institution "Teresita Montes" host John Paul I, the city of Armenia, Quindio, by going beyond the bounds of its functions to physically and verbally assaulting a student, sanction of dismissal imponiéndosele and special disability for 2 months.

When discipline is reproached for insulting one of his students with different grievances and urging him to go to fists defiantly. The student ignored the offenses of teachers and yet the educator lassoed a kick against children, which he managed not avoided because the student

Thus, and according to Law 734 of 2002, such conduct constitutes a disciplinary offense resulting in the imposition of the sanction by the incursion of the behavior or conduct referred to in this code that involves dereliction of duty, overreaching in the exercise of rights and duties, prohibitions and violation of rules of disabilities, inconsistencies, constraints and conflicts of interest, without being covered by any of the grounds for exclusion of liability under Article 28 of the Single Disciplinary Code.

Mr. Londoño Tobon thus violated these rules, due to a teacher, is made an example to the educational community, in whom society has given to children and adolescents to receive this comprehensive training, cultural with ethical and moral principles.

By sanctioned is called the offense is serious by way of fraud given the connotation of it.

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