Boletín 102

Attorney General's Office issued an official statement of objections against the city of Jericho (Antioquia)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office proffered statement of charges against Mrs. Ruby Socorro Gomez Garces, in its capacity as administrative assistant to the municipal treasury of Jericho (Antioquia) for the material time.
The evidentiary material that apparently showed through bank transfers, Mrs. Gomez Garces moved money from the municipality of Jericho $ 23,352,000 worth of your personal account, from January 5, 2008 and May 3, 2008.

In the free version accepted his misconduct investigated and noted that he borrowed the said sum to cover the cost of the settlement of your home while the city government has canceled the layoffs equivalent to 17 years of work.

Consider the Entity Control that although the officer reinstated the municipal treasury money through three bank deposits made ​​between September 2 and December 30, 2008 for a total of $ 26,702,000, may be caught by the typical description of the crime of embezzlement by appropriation, and misuse and abuse of office.

The failure was attributed to the disciplined provisionally qualified as very serious by way of fraud committed.

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