Boletín 280

Attorney General's Office issued charge sheet against former president of EPS Saludcoop

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Destination for the alleged irregular health resources, the Attorney General's Office statement of objections raised against Mr. Carlos Gustavo Palacino Antía, president of EPS Saludcoop OC. for the material time.

The possible disciplinary offense that could incur Palacino Antía is related to the use of quasi-fiscal resources of the Social Security System in Health (SHSS) for purposes other than those permitted by law, the benefit of EPS Saludcoop OC.

The Attorney General found that between 2007 and 2008 EPS OC Saludcoop net surplus obtained as the sum of $ 45,571,937 and recorded investments of $ 213,770,468,604, which means that there is a difference of more than $ 168,000 million pesos, apparently were invested with resources belonging to the SHSS.

Body Control considers that the current regulations clearly states that resources must be invested by the Reform to address the health service, ie the costs required in the administration or the medical treatment. However, EPS may invest, but the product of their profits or surpluses.

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