131 boletín
viernes, 17 febrero 2012 11:45 AM

Attorney General's Office led day of reflection on the pension problem in Colombia


The results of the investigation called "Pensions: the cost of claims" made by the Centre for Development Research of the National University, with support from the Institute of the Public Ministry and the Prosecutor for Labour Affairs and Social Security was introduced to the country for an event convened by the Attorney General's Office and chaired by the head of the Public Ministry, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado.

The event was attended by the Vice President, Angelino Garzon, the Labor Minister Rafael Pardo Rueda, the president of the Second Section of the State Council, Gerardo Arenas Monsalve, the Attorney Delegate for Labour Affairs and Security Social, Diana Margarita Ojeda Visbal, and current Secretary of Finance of Bogota, Ricardo Bonilla Gonzalez, who conducted the study as a member of the Research Centre for the Development of the National University, among others.

The research "Pensions: the cost of lawsuits", among other things, shows the critical situation in which they are operating entities-premium regime. According to this study, not to meet standards related to the transition regime which has foundations constitutional, statutory and case law, which is the Republic Act (Act 1395 of 2010 and New Administrative Code, Act 1437 of 2011), declared exequibles relevant articles in their judgments by the C-539, C-634 and C-818, 2011, banks have led to a prosecution and judicial congestion with consequent detriment heritage. By not decide for the government channel and bear interest, holidays, coastal processes, attorneys' fees and huge economic costs and time for the applicant.

The study seeks to determine: how much is the value to pay for part of the nation, how much outstanding lawsuits cost? and how much it costs the applicant retired his legal defense?

During his speech, the president of the Second Section of the State Council, Gerardo Arenas Monsalve, recalled that the transition is ending and that should be measured before stating that the average premium regime meaningless. He noted that new rules regarding transition, do not solve anything, and that any pension reform must guarantee coverage, access and price guarantee. Finally he referred to the pension guidelines that are included in the Constitution, and that the State must guarantee the rights acquired, and that laws are issued in pension should ensure financial sustainability, recalled in this regard that the Act 01 of 2005 Legislature ordered the State to pay the pension debt.

The attorney Diana Margarita Ojeda Visbal delegate, referring to the prosecution of pension claims, said there is a large administrative weaknesses of the Institute of Social Security to meet the demands: "Over 80% of the processes are against the ISS and in most cases not even answering the demands or requirements not argue. " He said the financial stability of the system can not find at the expense of the rights of pensioners, stressed the importance of ensuring decent work and decent, and noted that the reform concerns the whole society and should be discussed not only by economists but experts in areas of law and social security, and organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Ibero-American Social Security Organization (OISS).

Both the Attorney General Alejandro Ordonez Maldonado, and Vice President Angelino Garzon, study author Ricardo Bonilla, Attorney Diana Margarita Ojeda delegate and State Councilor Gerardo Arenas, called for that administrative remedies are met current standards pension and subject to the transitional regime, is reconciled to decrease the costs of prosecution to public property, real defense is exercised in extraordinary situations, and that reform is not limited to increasing the pension age and the amount of contributions, but fully discuss issues such as the formalization of employment and the expansion of coverage, involving experts and other stakeholders.

During his speech, Minister Rafael Pardo noted the Colombian pension system weaknesses in equity and coverage, and outlined the Government's proposals to overcome, including the Economic Benefits Program Newspapers, which would allow near 9 million Colombians living below minimum wage, make contributions to non-regular periodicities, according to economic activities that develop.

The end of the day was given by Vice President Angelino Garzon, who said the country should move forward in the creation of a large pension fund and make a reservation as exists with the Territorial Pension Fund. She said it's position of President Juan Manuel Santos keep average premium regime and stressed that the pension issue should be discussed considering the whole population and not special interests, "This is a critical issue for democracy, has to do with decent jobs, has to do with the quality of employment, and has to do with that for human beings (...) such a short passage on this earth does not end up being a tragedy, but worth living and live with dignity, " said.

The vice president recognized management Garzon Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, as a guarantor not only in the fight against corruption, but on the rights of Colombians.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: viernes, 17 febrero 2012 11:45 AM

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