Boletín 127

Attorney General's Office made day of socialization and update with new mayors and new governor of Risaralda

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, through the Regional Office of Risaralda, held the "First Day of Socialization and Update", to the governor of the department of Risaralda, as well as 14 mayors recently posesionados, departmental secretaries of health and municipal, the 17 ESES managers and their boards.

The event achieved the objective of raising awareness of the organizational and functional structure of the Agency, present the latest pronouncements of regulatory, case law and agency control interventions, as well as the parameters on how to socialize properly advance the process of choice ESES managers at the departmental and municipal levels.

Similarly, there were general preventive recommendations on this subject have been issued from the Prosecutor for the Decentralization and Local Authorities.

As a commitment to the audience, agreed to comply carefully the recommendations made during the day in the topics covered, and in a timely manner, submit interim and final reports on the processes of choice for new managers.

Finally, with the mayors of Pereira, Mistrató, Pueblo Rico, Quinchia Guatica, Belen de Umbria and Marseilles, were given the measures outlined in the order 004 of 2009 issued by the Constitutional Court, which talks about the protection and special protective measures the indigenous Embera Chami, preventive dissipation in the same direction has been issued in the Office of Human Rights and Ethnic Affairs, as well as the "safeguard plan", Chapter Risaralda, Cortes ordered by the Constitutional and Human Rights to the indigenous people who inhabit this department.

The day was taken as a preventive exercise, following the constitutional mandate that assists the Public Ministry, but equally clear issues to the violations of the law, such as disciplinary mechanisms referred to in the Single Disciplinary Code Act 734.

He concluded that in the absence of certain evidence on the responsibility of the mayor in connection with these events are cautioned doubt as to the breach of discipline, so decided to acquit him of the charges.

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