Boletín 292

Attorney General's Office made the statement of charges against the former director of Ingeominas

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

By irregularities in the exercise of his office as director general of the Colombian Institute of Geology and Mining (Ingeominas), the Attorney General's Office statement of objections raised against Mr. Mario Ballesteros Mejia.

Notes the statement of objections that Mr. Ballesteros Mejia, as legal representative of Ingeominas would have exceeded its functions to the subject an arbitration court resolution of differences presented between this entity and the business firm Cerro Matoso SA on how to settle the royalty concessions in two years 2004 and 2008, possibly in contravention of the provisions in the Act

In this regard, Article 294 of Law 685 of 2001 indicates that the figure only applies when arbitration between licensees and the licensing authority of a technical differences exist. In case of any differences in legal or economic nature can not be settled amicably, as in this case, they "are subject to review and decision of the judicial branch Colombian public."

Therefore, by signing this commitment, Mr. Ballesteros had exceeded their functions Mejia, since the decision to address this issue Ingeominas was not subject to a court of arbitration of disputes generated from the contract award 866 and 1727 because it violated the provisions in the Act.

Furthermore we investigate the conduct of then-director of Ingeominas, who had declared ineffectual to the Deputy Director of Audit and Management Mining, apparently due to the disagreement that existed against the use of the sum to be Cerro Matoso SA to Ingeominas of royalties due, according to the results yielded an audit accountant hired by Ingeominas.


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