160 boletín
miércoles, 22 febrero 2012 04:05 PM

Attorney General's Office ombudsmen trained current and elected 38 municipalities of Meta and Cundinamarca


The Attorney General's Office through the Provincial Villavicencio, developed a training session aimed at current and elected ombudsmen from 38 municipalities of Meta and Cundinamarca, which were instructed to exercise joint and defined the agenda work for this year.

During the course of the day, which took place last February 20 in the city of Villavicencio, at the headquarters of the Territorial ESAP Meta, recalled the important role of the ombudsmen, who play roles as guarantors of the interests local community and the enforcement of the rule of law.

The message to elected ombudsmen was also related to their responsibilities in the fight against administrative corruption and abuse of power by the authorities, whether committed by act or omission by building social trust between the community and local authorities and vice versa, with the care of human rights and the fulfillment of the tasks that the social state of law has been entrusted to local governments as institutional political system cell.

Throughout his tenure, the ombudsmen should be in constant communication with the public, listening to their suggestions, complaints and recommendations in a proactive and constructive dialogue in pursuit of general welfare.

Regarding the splicing process, it was noted that the process should be aimed at pointing out the achievements, challenges and lessons learned by the organization in fulfilling its duties. The ombudsmen outgoing entrants must submit an assessment of the internal management of the institution, the status of files and information systems, ongoing processes, commitments and pending tasks. It should also contain a strategic overview of the progress of the municipality, so as to orient the incoming ombudsman, the new government and the general public, focusing on fundamental issues of interest to the community.

The elected ombudsmen of the 38 participating municipalities, who will take office starting next March first, continue the process of training being conducted by the Provincial Office of Villavicencio, with monthly meetings that were scheduled during the day. 

PGN | Fecha Publicación: miércoles, 22 febrero 2012 04:05 PM

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