Boletín 394

Attorney General's Office opened a preliminary inquiry to the mayor of Puerto Gaitan (Meta)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office opened a preliminary inquiry against Mr. Edgar Humberto Gonzalez Silva in his capacity as Mayor of Puerto Gaitan (Meta), for alleged overspending in the recruitment of artists and entertainment shows for the "2012 Summer Festivals Manacacias "in that population.

When he investigated involved for investing, presumably, 2 thousand 400 million pesos in the festivities that lasted 3 days, receiving questions from the 'waste of resources', with artists like Marc Anthony, La Sonora Ponceña, Czech and Oscar Acosta D 'Leon.

Mr. Silva Gonzalez defends the millionaires spending the summer festival, saying that "in Puerto Gaitan no misery," according to statements given to a national media on 6 January this year.

The order calling for the inquiry, issued by the Attorney First Division for Administrative Supervision, says that "in accordance with the provisions of Article 150 of Act 734 of 2002 and for the purpose of establishing the real occurrence of the behaviors reflected in the complaint, determine whether they constitute a disciplinary offense or has acted under a ground for exclusion of liability, the Agency has decided to advance the preliminary inquiry "

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