Boletín 069

Attorney General's Office opened an investigation against former officials of the administration of Andes (Antioquia)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

• The Control Authority is investigating the alleged breach of a ruling by the Council of State suspended the operating license to a cooperative transport.

The Office seeks to establish whether Julio Humberto Mejia and Luis Arboleda Gallon Horacio Arango, former mayors municipal Andes (Antioquia) 2007-2011, and Bernardo Augusto Tamayo Marin Transit and Transportation secretary during the same time, committed misconduct constituting a disciplinary .

The events under investigation are related to the alleged failure by those involved, a ruling by the Council of State notified and duly executed since April 2002, ordering the cancellation of the service to the Andean Transport Cooperative (Cootrasandina) for paths and vice versa Bethany Andes, which were awarded in place of Resolutions 1055, 1955, 2433, 1769 and 1966.

The Control Body established that although there a judicial decision, while the Providence firm, the company continued to operate Cootrasandina with the consent of the municipal administration of Andes, although its operating license is revoked.

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