Boletín 130

Attorney General's Office opened an investigation against the current Township Personera Andes (Antioquia)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

On the alleged breach of their duties, the Attorney General's Office opened a disciplinary investigation against Ms. Juliana Correa Andrea Castro, in his capacity as Township Personera Andes (Antioquia).

According to statements by the plaintiffs, apparently, Ms. Correa Castro failed to process the requests to his office, which must meet in fulfilling their constitutional and legal duties. Also questioned was not giving the official response to the requirements of the Provincial Attorney Andes, designed to exercise administrative supervision to the said complaint, which could constitute obstruction to fulfill the functions of the Control Body.

In special visit practiced by the Provincial Office of the Ombudsman's Andes of that municipality on December 23, 2011, we found that from May 30, 2011 the Office sent a complaint by competition to that office, without being printed any performance, a situation that demonstrates the lack of consistent response to the high requirements to the Agency.

Being related facts and procedural economy and speed, the Control Authority anticipates a single investigation for alleged irregularities endilgadas to the public official. 

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