Boletín 237

Attorney General's Office proffered statement of charges against the former mayor and Commissioner Genova Family (Quindio)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office proffered statement of objections against Mr. John Didier Grisales, former mayor of Genoa City (Quindio) and against Ms. Claudia Lorena Giraldo Lopez, in his capacity as Commissioner of Family from the same population at the time of the facts , for having appointed and positioned under the official said without meeting the full requirements of the Act

Mr. Didier Grisales is accused have been named and positioned by a decree of January 4, 2010 to the commissioner disciplined as Giraldo Lopez family from the villages, knowing that did not meet the requirement under Article 80 of Law 1098 2006 of the Code for Children and Adolescents, which states that the position requires "accreditation of graduate degree in: Family Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Procedural Law, Human Rights and Social Science, provided and when in the latter case, the study of the family is a component of the program curriculum. "

Meanwhile, Mrs. Lopez Giraldo is reproached for having taken over 01 minutes through January 4 2010 of the curator in charge of family of Genoa (Quindio) without the requirement established and content in the same Law 1098 of 2006.

The Provincial Prosecutor of Armenia, who uttered the statement of objections, points out that this behavior is presumably evidence a disregard for the duties of all public servants, which are among others: "To comply with and enforce the duties contained in the Constitution and law treaties, described in Article 34 of Law 734 of 2002. "

Additionally it is emphasized that the Constitution states that the conduct constituting fault is the raid on behaviors involving dereliction of duty, overreaching in the exercise of rights and duties and violation of rules of disabilities, inconsistencies, constraints and conflicts of interest.


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