Boletín 138

Attorney General's Office raised objections to Cajanal director and managers of Heritage Self Smart

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The current director of Cajanal, Jairo de Jesus Cortez Arias, must answer for allegedly failing to comply with court rulings that correspond to judgments of guardianship and orders of the administrative jurisdiction relating to the processing and recognition of pension obligations and other related activities.

For the Control Authority during the performance of his duties as Liquidator of Cajanal, Mr. Cortés Arias apparently failed, delayed or failed to provide proper and timely response to requests for economic benefits that enterprise users of industrial and commercial state, thereby breached the legal terms and the time allowed by the Constitutional Court in the Auto 243 July 22, 2010.

On the other hand, allegedly failed to comply with court rulings that relate to guardianships and orders of the administrative jurisdiction to the extent not complied with the conditions laid down by the judges of the Republic.

A related research were also Messrs. Jaime Jara and Rodrigo Vélez Villaveces Bahamon, as a Heritage Contract Managers Smart.

For the prosecution, did not manage effectively the Heritage Contract relating to the processing and recognition of pension obligations and other related activities, which could result in decisions and judgments are not treated promptly.


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