Boletín 510

Attorney General's Office raised objections to former governor of Vaupes

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

For breach of their duties, the Attorney General's Office made the statement of objections to Mr. Jose Leonidas Soto Muñoz, in his capacity as governor Vaupes department at the time of the facts.

For the Attorney General is common ground that the investigation refused to confirm the territorial entity forming the Immediate Reaction Unit for Electoral Transparency (Uriel), during the elections of March 14, 2010.

The investigation found himself involved in the meeting of the Departmental Committee Monitoring Election March 10, 2010, which certified copy is part of the record, acknowledged that he felt it necessary to create the Uriel and requested that it be noted the "negligence".

The alleged breach of obligations incurred by Mr. Soto Muñoz is established in Law 734 of 2002 as a disciplinary offense under the terms of Article 34, paragraph 1 and 35 paragraph 1, in line with article 23.

Indeed, paragraph 1 of Article 34 of the CDU codifies duties of every public servant "to comply with and enforce the duties contained in the Constitution ... the laws, decrees, ordinances ...".

According to the National Second Division for Administrative Supervision, Mr. Soto Muñoz could default on obligations and prohibitions set forth in raid in paragraph 1 of Article 34 and paragraph 1 of Article 35 of Law 734 of 2002, to refrain from speaking administrative act, by which formalize the creation of Uriel in the department of Vaupés for elections March 14, 2010, given that according to Decree 810 of 2007, the establishment of the Unit is an imperative in legal.

The supervisory organ involved was considered that the obligation to strictly abide by the law and instructions given by the national government to ensure transparency and normal development of the parliamentary elections of March 2010, and to help other authorities to departmental level, political parties and citizens generally observed these provisions.

Furthermore, the omission could provide favorable conditions to present themselves in that department, violations of the rules laid down in the Colombian electoral system and not having a timely and effective response by the state institutions.

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