466 boletín
martes, 15 mayo 2012 12:35 PM

Attorney General's Office repudiates, rejects and condemns the attacks in Bogota


With indignation he received the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado reports that show the terrorist attack in Bogota that killed and seriously injured public servants and citizens.

"I reject, condemn and reject terrorist actions which seek to destabilize the institutional and national security (...) I call upon citizens to jointly denounce the authorities any facts that may affect national security."

The head of the Public Ministry said: "In my capacity as Attorney General's Office I extend my condolences and feelings of deep sorrow for the families of the deceased and the victims, among which are Dr. Fernando Londoño Hoyos , wounded in the attack and members of his security and citizens passing through the surrounding areas.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: martes, 15 mayo 2012 12:35 PM

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