Boletín 359

Attorney General's Office request to national and local authorities to fully protect children and adolescents victims of internal armed conflict

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, issued last March 27 of Directive 003, concerning the surveillance over the policies, plans, programs, projects, strategies and actions of national authorities and local authorities to ensure that the rights of children and adolescents are protected in a comprehensive and prevalent in the framework of the implementation of the Law on Victims and Land Restitution and CONPES 3712 of 2011, which adopted the financing plan to ensure sustainability of this policy.

Through this directive, the Attorney General requested that public servants provide preferential treatment to women single mothers and victims belonging to indigenous peoples and communities, black, Afro-Colombian, native islanders, and Roma, or Gypsy palenqueras. He also requested special protection for children and adolescents in situations of disability, displacement and / or lost their father and mother, as required by the Victims Law and Land Restitution.

The Control Agency will also monitor the commitments made by the State as a whole in CONPES 3673 of 2010, which adopted the public policy of preventing illegal use and recruitment of children and adolescents by armed groups outside the law and organized criminal groups, as well as on compliance with the Judgment T-025, 2004 of the Constitutional Court and the orders 251 and 092 of 2008 and 219 2011, issued by the same Corporation, related to the population displaced and victims of internal armed conflict, to ensure that they are given preferential treatment for being in this particular situation of helplessness.

Directive 003 of 2012 marks the path of action by the Attorney as a supervisory body in the field of Victim Restitution Act of Land with an emphasis on reparation for children and adolescents victims of internal armed conflict. Ordóñez Attorney instructed the Prosecutor for the Defense of the Rights of the Child, Youth and Families making an analytical report on its implementation, based on the reports must be submitted by the procurators family, regional prosecutors, district and provincial and district and municipal ombudsmen, according to a methodology that will be announced in due course.

Shares of national and territorial

For the Attorney General's Office is of the utmost importance that the national government entities and territorial authorities:
• Take preventive measures for population groups at greatest risk.
• To ensure the reintegration of children and adolescents who participated in armed groups outside the law.
• Adopt a policy of zero tolerance of sexual violence by public officials and members of the security forces.
• Promote the start and completion of disciplinary investigations, criminal and tax that might arise for breach of the Act and Land Restitution Victims and consistent regulatory framework.
• Incorporate specific responsibilities in their respective development plans, programs and projects matter, and to that extent have a proper distribution and utilization of economic resources that are required to ensure full compliance.
• Define the criteria, the protocols and institutional routes to realize the constitutional rights of the victims.
• Respect the rights of victims in court proceedings and the principle of good faith, according to which the victim is sufficient to summarily try the damage to the administrative authority, that this proceeds to relieve her of the burden of Test
• Take special care models and applying administrative justice, to streamline procedures for reparations and restitution of land legally established
• Consolidate the Register of Victims (UVR) not to delay the full protection of victims, among other purposes.

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