Boletín 358

Attorney General's Office requested on demand of appeal acquitted Colonel (r) Luis Alfonso Plazas Vega

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, through its Division for the prosecution in criminal matters, filed with the Criminal Appeals Chamber of the Supreme Court on appeal claim that the process continues against Colonel (r) Luis Alfonso Plazas for missing the Palace of Justice in November 1985, whose conviction was upheld by the Court of Bogotá on 30 January.

The special appeal claims that the Court reverse the judgment of the Superior Court, argued three counts, the main, by indirect violation of the law demonstrated substantial errors of fact and law on the assessment of the evidence that had not been incurred by the Court judgments in the various false complaint, would have directed an acquittal for the accused.

These errors basically invalidate the testimony of Mr. Edgar Villamizar Espinel, Tirso Saenz Armando Cesar Augusto Sanchez Steel and Slopes, indirect witnesses and documentary evidence improperly incorporated into the process, recording and interception of communications erroneously considered, besides the power of command misrepresented in the processing, which led the judge to assume a leading role that he had as commander of operations, and for improperly attributing the authorship mediate in organized apparatus of power without accreditation, in addition, the systematic and characteristic of automaticity legal concept that will be deducted.

In a second charge and the alternative, the Attorney reported the direct violation of the substantive law to have overwhelmed the powers the Court to rule on issues that were not subject of decision in the first instance, as the imposition of the public act of forgiveness ordered the government and the high command of the military structure to the community and victims, among others.

Similarly, it was alleged direct violation of the Act for failing partially Court against 9 of the 11 missing directing further research, instead of being acquitted Colonel, finding no materiality of the crime proven as imposed by current regulations.

Finally, prosecutors said in their brief that excluding evidence that was illegally built and analyzed correctly reported other means of judgment, the judgment must be married and therefore acquit the accused Plazas.

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