Boletín 341

Attorney General's Office requested the ICBF take urgent steps to solve problems of children's breakfast programs and food for the elderly

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, through the Officer for the Defense of the Rights of the Child, Youth and Family, gave the director general of the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF), Diego Andres Molano Aponte, so that urgent measures are taken to remedy the plight of feeding programs that should benefit children in extreme poverty and seniors in stratum 1.

Before the argument of ICBF whereby delays in recruitment processes for the programs are due to external causes, prosecutors said the state must ensure, through the Institute, because the rights of beneficiaries of care programs food are not violated.

In your request, the Office noted that a failure to meet food needs can impair the academic performance of children and violate their eating habits, also, that older adults benefit from ICBF programs could be advocated to problems health.

This Control Agency said that the ICBF director is obligated to seek the fulfillment of the purposes of recruitment and protect the rights of third parties who may be affected by the execution of contracts. The prosecutor delegated Ilva Hoyos Myriam Castaneda requested within five days of the receipt of the request, it will report what actions will be developed and what alternative solutions have been implemented in relation to the subject.

The Prosecutor for the Defense of the Rights of the Child, Youth and Family referred the matter to the respective instance for assessing whether or not disciplinary responsibility address these facts.


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