Boletín 020

Attorney General's Office sanctioned former officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Bogota)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

For irregularities related to the neglect of its statutory functions in terms of assistance, counseling, testing and information relating to agreements under which interfered with IICA, was sanctioned for a period of 12 years Oskar Schroeder August Muller, former head of the Office of Legal Counsel Ministry, not to notice that there were no requirements for any type of contract are the state and previous studies, required by the state Procurement Regulations.

For the same charge were suspended exasesoras Marcela Guevara and Maria Eugenia Ospina Chain Holguin, who have a duty to advise and assist heads of Legal Office, failed to note that those studies were required prior to the conventions.

In this connection, Guevara Marcela Ospina, who was a trained professional Legal Counsel Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, be punished with suspension from office to hold public office for a term of 10 months, which will become wages, or $ 20.966.020.oo, to be known documentary is no longer associated with the entity.

Meanwhile Maria Eugenia Chain Holguin, in the same office, was punished with suspension from office for a term of 10 months to hold public office.

With regard to Mrs. Eugenia Mendez Tulia Reyes, who was also head of the Office Legal Counsel, the Public Prosecutor decided to acquit him of the disciplinary charges brought.

Against the decision to sanction the remedy of appeal to the First Attorney's Office for State Procurement.

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