Boletín 487

Attorney General's Office statement of objections made ​​to the director of the Institute of Sports and Recreation Marinilla (Antioquia)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office made ​​the statement of objections to Mr. Elkin Dario Hincapie Ramirez, in his capacity as director of the Institute of Sports and Recreation (IDERMA) Marinilla Township, Ontario, by adding over 50% more contracts, surpassing the limit in contractual law.

When discipline is accused of exceeding the maximum allowed for contract additions, specifically in the contract of service number 03 for $ 7 million 705 thousand pesos, which was added by 63%.

A similar case happened with the contract number 10, 17 and 18, which were added by 100%, 141% and 100% respectively.

The director of IDERMA allegedly ignored the legal mandates to not give effect to the provisions of Act 80 of 1993, by which the Statute General of Trade, as well as Articles 6 and 123 of the Constitution and incur the prohibitions described in Article 23 of Law 734 of 2002.

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