Boletín 615

Attorney General's Office summoned former mayor hearing verbal Sabanagrande Township (Atlantic)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office disciplinary hearing quoted Mr. Rafael Joaquin Fernández, former mayor of the municipality of Sabanagrande (Atlantic), because apparently breached its obligation to spend up to 6% of approved funds for a project technical auditing road improvement and rehabilitation, financed with resources allocated by the National Endowment Fund.
The disciplinary action was generated by a report to the Provincial Office of Barranquilla by the Corrective Procedures Branch of the National Planning Department.

Events investigated

By resolution 058 of 23 December 2008, the Advisory Council approved the project Royalties improvement and rehabilitation of 10 kilometers of the road leading to the village of Sabanagrande St. Paul in the same municipality.
The project envisaged a budget approved for technical auditing of $ 27,169,811, for the six (6%) of approved resources.
For this project the municipality of Sabanagrande concluded with the signing Inmaq Ltd., the construction contract 022 of July 24, 2009, valued at $ 451,140,301. For the realization of this contract auditing work on 6 August of that year marked the 024 technical auditing contract between the municipality and the firm Hidrotec Ltd., valued at $ 28,798,160.
The auditing and financial management of the Directorate of Royalties showed that the auditing contract value exceeded the amount approved in the pipeline for this item in the sum of $ 1,628,949, and also exceeded the cap established for this contract by the National Planning Department in Resolution 038 of 2008.

The measure of verbal disciplinary hearing takes place at the premises of the Provincial Prosecutor of Barranquilla, located in the race 44 # 38-11 piso 6, Banco Popular building in that city, on Friday June 22 from 8:30 am

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