Boletín 054

Attorney General's Office to confirm removal of Sutamarchán expersonero, Boyacá

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office confirmed the penalty of dismissal and disability, for a term of ten years, handed down against Mr. Luis Ariel Castillo Aguilar, in his capacity as Municipal Representative Sutamarchán, Boyacá, by engaging in conduct constituting a crime.

The facts relate to the advice and management, improperly, Mr. Aguilar Castillo advanced in the proceedings of a particular sequence, while his tenure as Municipal Representative.

In resolving the appeal, the Regional Office Santander showed that during the months of June and July 2009, in an improper manner, Mr. Aguilar Castillo provided advice to Mr. José Marco Alarcón Edilberto Cuellar Juan Castellanos and Castillo to take the necessary steps Probate necessary to resolve the legal status of some property left by the father of the first of them and who in life was the companion of the second, before the Notary TINJACA Single, Boyacá.

The prosecution explained that this behavior is described in Article 421 of the Penal Code prohibits public servants represent, litigation, managing or advising on legal matters, administrative or police, for what he called the most serious failure as committed as an willful misconduct.

Against the second instance decision no appeal whatsoever. 


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