Boletín 613

Attorney General's Office will advance public hearing on the former mayor of Puerto Rico (Caquetá)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office will advance verbal process against Mr. Jaime Pinzón Salazar, in his capacity as mayor of Puerto Rico (Caquetá) for the material time, for possible irregularities in the signing of two supply orders for the purchase of school supplies.

The public hearing will be held on June 25 from 10:00 am at the headquarters of the Attorney General's Office located at Carrera 5 No. 15-80.

The possible irregular activities are related to two orders of supply that the investigation would have signed the same day under the scheme of recruitment of small claims, although it added exceeded the limit of small claims. Additionally, orders would have the same object as was the purchase of books with specific requirements for the student population of the municipality, with the only difference that the first order are added other elements.

Attorney warns that orders 1 and 2 predicted a main object in joining identical with values ​​exceeding 10% of small claims, and therefore Mr. Pinzón Salazar him to pay "the direct contracting procedure that requires minor preparation of specifications through a simplified public and open to those interested in participating. "

Accordingly, the contractual object would have been divided and thus would have avoided the objective selection process, said prosecutors.

Additionally, the investigation could be liable to disciplinary view because apparently signed two supply orders without certificates of availability required to cover the respective budgetary commitments.

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