Boletín 529

Attorney Makes an Appeal to ensure that women victims of sexual violence right of access to comprehensive health services

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In the framework of the International Day of Action for Women's Health, the Attorney General's Office to the attention of the authorities responsible to be brought forward concrete actions to ensure effective and timely integrated care in health and justice girls, adolescents and women who have been victims of sexual violence.

For the female population can access health services is a case of sexual violence, the Family Commission, given its status as the first gateway to justice, is called to provide information services holistically.

In the recent monitoring stations over the family across the country, the Attorney reported with concern that these entities are not comprehensively inform victims about their right to free access to special services required to minimize or avoid serious effects of sexual violence in the areas emotional, psychological, physical, economic and labor, and especially on sexual and reproductive health.

From the response of 841 family stations could be established that while 827 firms provided information on psychosocial care services, 634 reported the drugs to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV AIDS, and only 484 were provided guidance on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.

In this regard, the Office reiterates the call made by the Ministry of Justice and Law pursuant to the provisions of Decree 2897 of 2011 include a fundamental part of the technical guidelines to address gender-based violence, the design of protocols that guarantee and reaffirm the right of women to health from the first moment of attention to sexual violence, which is essential to ensure a dignified and comprehensive care, to protect health, prevent victimization and progress in the eradication of violence against women, particularly sexual violence. 

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